Small Peony
Oil on Linen Panel, 6" x 6"
Sold at Sale price of $10.00
I am borrowing my daughter's computer again, since mine has died. You don't want to know how long it takes me to hobble sideways up the stairs, leaving the old lady security of my walker at the bottom of the steps for my return. Since troubles come in threes, I am waiting to see what's next. Meanwhile, I have been able to get out to the studio to paint a bit,. This one is actually more purple pink (fushia) than it looks here on this monitor.
SALE: Because it is difficult for me to paint and post right now, I am having a
"Make an Offer" Sale. I will accept any reasonable offer for the paintings that have not sold. If you have seen a painting that you like, but it was a little too much, make an offer now before it's gone. Simply scroll backwards in the blog to see what's still unsold. Thanks, everyone, in advance.