Artist Statement

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Pitcher and Apples - SOLD

Pitcher and Apples
Oil on Stretched Canvas, 12" x 12"
I've decided I really love pitchers and creamers, and have started a little collection (of one so far). This is my first pitcher, and I was thinking polka dots. Well, the white on white turned out to be a whole bunch harder than I thought, so this is a two-day painting. I really like how the pitcher turned out, though, and will paint it again, but maybe not on a white background.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the white on white! It is so striking and you did a wonderful job. I love the simplicity of the color scheme being primarily red and white. I think the red dots from the white fabric reflected onto the white pitchure are such compliments to each other and blend so beautifully for a pleasant feeling of continuity when just observing the painting. Another color pitchure would be beautiful too but there is just something about this white on white that says "ah!" Well done!


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