Everyday Paintings in Oils and Watercolors with an eye to posting Five or More per week
Artist Statement
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Yellow Fall Tree - SOLD
Yellow Fall Tree
Oil on Stretched Canvas, 9" x 12"
Detail (Close Up) Below:
I've been studying my price points this week, seeing at what prices I get sales. It seems that between $20 and $30 is where my collectors want paintings. After talking it over with my art buddy, I will be listing the price on each painting where I think it should be, and where I think it will sell. (Recession Price.) My art buddy also suggests that I get a "real job" and maybe put the painting career on hold for awhile. (Since I'm barely covering expenses at this price point.)
I wonder if anyone out there knows of a work-at-home situation that isn't a scam?
Please send an email if you know of a legitimate online, work-at-home job situation. Thanks!
Get a new art buddy, a new marketing plan, new target clients and put your prices up where they belong. You are really good. Get your head aligned with your heart ... or take your art buddy’s advice.