Artist Statement

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Give Away Painting

Give Away Painting Oil on Canvas Panel, 6" x 8" Appreciation Painting. Won by Dana Pritchard. My students will recognize this one. It was one of their exercises in value study for the class in oils we just finished. It was done from a photo by Martyn Pattison, called Path Through the Woods at Lambdown Hill. It has a creative commons tag on it, so it was okay for teaching and studying, but I can't sell it.'s a give away. If you like it, and are either a former student or have bought one of my pieces within the past year or so (I'm not checking) please leave a comment here on the blog. Thanks for all the encouragement and support! Nel Addendum: Congratulations to Dana Pritchard, winner of this little piece.


  1. Kay Christopher10:55 PM

    Nel, I love your paintings and this one is particularly beautiful. Am enjoying the 2 hanging in my office, and also learned a lot from your class. Looking forward to taking another!

  2. Nel, how like you to give away a painting. I have so enjoyed collecting your art and watching you grow over the last two years. Now your works grace every room in my house.

    I like the textures and colors of this painting and am appreciating your palette/knife work lately.

    Linda Raney

  3. Love the new style! Your use of the palette knife adds such dimension to your paintings! I just had a showing of your works to my family on mother's day...Everyone commented on your pansies in the kitchen, so we toured through the dining room and living room viewing the hydrangeas and irises...a combination art and garden show! Thank you for sharing your talents with us all!

  4. I love the Give Away painting with the beautiful colors of blue, purple and green. I especially like the sun spots. Also, love the texture. I am enjoying your painting Sun in the Tree Tops.

  5. I've purchased at least 6 of your paintings over the last couple of years and I must say that they have each added such cheer to my home and to my sister and daughter in law's homes as well. Each one is like having dessert before the main course! Thank you for your giving spirit, your commitment to your work and your joy in sharing that commitment with us all.

    This painting reminds me of the lavender soap I bought today. Yummy! Your technique keeps getting better and better, and coming from a person who really doesn't have the knack for painting, but loves color and texture, the palette knife adds such dimension. Keep up the great work.

    Dana Prichard

  6. john Stewart8:32 AM

    Hi Nel,
    Your prize piece is indeed a prize and I would be proud to add it to my "Nel Jansen Archive".
    Best wishes
    John Stewart

  7. diane nelson11:38 AM

    Dear Nelda: always thrilled to have the opportunity to acquire more of your divine work. Please put my name in the hat. hugs, diane

  8. Nel, this is beautiful - I'd love to be in the contest. Will you be giving an intermediate class one of these days?

  9. Anonymous11:12 PM

    I just bought my first painting from you, Apples on Red. I love it, by the way. It would be wonderful to have another one of your pieces.

    Barbara Proctor

  10. I just bought my first painting from you, Apples on Red. I love it, by the way. It would be wonderful to have another one of your pieces.

    Barbara Proctor

  11. Heather V in AZ1:34 AM

    This is lovely, Nel, both vibrant and subdued, plus I like the texture. We have yet to have too many paintings! Our oldest arrived home, noticed and commented (even better,)about how much he liked the painting we bought earlier (dusk with lights on water.) How nice that you are touching the future with beauty.

  12. This is very generous of you Nel, Thank you. Wouldn't it be funny if I won:)

  13. Janet Paden9:33 AM

    Nel, Oh yes! Count me in. My Nel collection needs increasing! You are really on fire! What beautiful things you are creating!
    Janet Paden

  14. Nel, these paintings are beautiful! You are so talented and creative!!!

    Pick me, please!!

  15. Please put my name in the drawing, I would love to have another one of your paintings. I am enjoying your palette knife work on your blog.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Lovely and soothing colors. Thanks for sharing your creative gifts so generously.

  18. Hey Nel, I love all the paintings I purchased from you. Count me in on the drawing. Thanks so much for the giveaway. Blessings, SusanD

  19. Mary Andrews


    I just love this painting and the pansy painting too!

    -Mary Andrews

  20. put me down too for loving it and would gladly welcome it in my home...

  21. Nel, I've always loved your works. This giveaway painting is no exception. Kind of a French impressionist feel.......

    Jane Collins

  22. I'm probably to late, but "Simply White" is lonely for a little cousin!


  23. Thanks, Nel. I'm so thrilled and honored to have been selected to receive this little gem. It will have a place of honor in my home.



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