Artist Statement

Friday, July 07, 2017

The Overlook - SOLD

The Overlook
Oil on Canvas Panel, 12" x 16"
SOLD at $35 plus $10 shipping.

Another wild and sketchy landscape today, and I'm pretty happy with how it came out.
The buyer should be aware that this is painted over an old canvas (hydrangeas), and I didn't realize until I was almost done, that it has a slight smush-bend in one corner (wear and tear.) Hence, the relatively low price for this size painting.

Thursday, July 06, 2017

Sunlit Back Alley - SOLD

Sunlit Back Alley
Oil on Stretched Canvas, 8" x 10"
SOLD at $20 plus $10 shipping.

Some days you just don't have a clue what to paint. It's been raining all day, and I just couldn't get out of my own way. Ever have a day like that? So instead of starting something new (I had three ideas and couldn't get excited about any of them) I just decided to revise this little guy, which I have always liked, and lower the price. We'll see if it sings to anyone. Below is what it looked like before.

Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Summer Creek - SOLD

Summer Creek
Oil on Canvas Panel, 12" x 12"

This one was an experiment today, I used ONLY big brushes, and tried to paint loose.
Not easy for me, I tend to fuss too much. So it's rough and loose and lacks detail, but oh, aren't the colors wonderful? Purple, turquoise, pinks, yellows and oranges, besides all the greens.
Rough, though. What do you think?

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Garlic Cloves - SOLD

Garlic Cloves
Oil on Gessobord, 6" x 6"
SOLD at $22 plus $10 shipping.

What to say about garlic cloves?
They have such interesting shapes, and who doesn't like the taste of garlic? This is actually a practice painting for a commission series that includes garlic.

Monday, July 03, 2017

It's a Start - SOLD

It's a Start
Oil on Canvas Panel, 12" x 12"
SOLD at $40 plus $10 shipping.

I just love painting on square canvas.
This time I also remembered to shoot a few process shots, which are below.
I didn't set up lights and curtains and fuss, so these are pretty rough. You get the idea though.
The thing in the middle top is the shadow of my easel clamp.

Step 1: Notan, start with darks.
Notan step, really just picking out the darks. I wish I had gone a little further, the darks are so fragile.

Step 2: Midtones, starting to add in the mid values.

Step 3: Sky and Reflections
This is actually out of order. I should have completed all the midtones first, but since there was so much light blue, I decided to put it in at the stage.

Step 4: Midtones,  Light and Details

There were a couple of other steps in here, which I didn't shoot, but I thought I was doing pretty well to stop and take a few photos at all! I like this one very much, those lovely cool shadows, yum.

Sunday, July 02, 2017

Mango Mango - NA

Mango Mango
Oil on Gessobord, 6" x 6"
Not available, gifted.

I can hardly wait to cut into this baby and enjoy that juicy, slippery sweetness.
Mmm, mmm, mmm. It's slightly soft now, so maybe one more day.