Artist Statement

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Sun Dappled - SOLD

Sun Dappled
Oil on Stretched Canvas, 8" x 8"
SOLD at $20.00, includes shipping.

This one is a palette knife piece, done from a couple of square inches of a photo reference. It really doesn't take much of a springboard for these kinds of pieces.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Snowy Road - SOLD

Snowy Road
Acrylics on Stretched Canvas, 9" x 12"
SOLD at $23.00 plus $7 shipping.

My Michael's students requested a snow landscape for this week, so I browsed some photos and decided this one was simple and doable. Other images were more interesting, but too complicated for out allotted 2 hours.

Viola Bed - SOLD

Viola Bed
Oil on Stretched Canvas, 11" x 14"
SOLD at $40.00 plus $7.00 shipping

Pansy cousins, the violas. So are Johnny-Jump-Ups, isn't that a cool name for a flower?

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Watercolor Stained Glass Iris - SOLD

Watercolor Play- Stained Glass Iris
Watercolor on Arches Paper, 12" x 16"
SOLD at $25 plus $7 shipping.

This was a repeat style piece done by request, but since it turned out quite differently from the original, the collector decided to pass on it. Which now makes it available for someone else. Fun to paint, since with the little white spaces, you can paint without waiting for everything to dry first.