Artist Statement

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Lightplay - SOLD

Lightplay Oil on Stretched Canvas, 8" x 8" SOLD at $40.00 plus shipping. This is a revision and further development of a painting first posted on April 25th this year. I like it much better now, it has more subtleties, is generally richer looking. Fun, isn't it, with all the nice pastel in it?

Tucked Away - SOLD

Tucked Away Oil on Stretched Canvas, 18" x 24" Sold. This one is fairly large, and now that I see it small on screen, I can still see a couple of things I want to change in it. But on the whole, I'm pleased with it.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pepper Pair - SOLD

Pepper Pair Oil on Ampersand Panel, 6" x 6" SOLD at $40.00 plus shipping. The Amerpand panels for oils and acrylics are kind of cool. They are basically wooden panels, 3/8" thick with canvas (or a painting surface) on the front, and a hole in the back for hanging. I will paint the edges, so this one can be hung straight onto the wall or framed, as the collector prefers. This will be the last of the pepper paintings, I'm eating these guys now.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Red Green Pepper - SOLD

Red Green Pepper Oil on Stretched Canvas, 5" x 6" SOLD at $35.00 plus $5.00 shipping. Another view of the lovely two-toned pepper from yesterday. These would make a nice matched set, I think, since they are both the same size an type of canvas, and I will gladly sell them together for a bit less. How about $55.00 plus $5.00 shipping, for the both? Nice accents for a kitchen wall, maybe.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Two Toned Pepper - SOLD

Two Toned Pepper Oil on Stretched Canvas, 5" x 6" SOLD at $35.00 plus $5.00 shipping. From a Delaware roadside fruit and veggie stand, some pretty two toned peppers for painting. There will be several coming up.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Leaving the Beach

Leaving the Beach Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas, 10" x 10" x 1.5" Available at $75.00 plus shipping. This is the revision on the last painting I posted. Yesterday was moving day, and thanks to my cousin and his daughters, everything got moved, and I am slowly getting settled in my "new digs." I think the road looks better now, more like gravel. Thanks for looking.