Artist Statement

Saturday, July 27, 2019

T'is of Thee - SOLD

T'is of Thee - SOLD
Acrylic and Mixed Media on Hardboard, 14" x 14"
Available at $45 plus $10 shipping

My impressions...chaotic American politics, spiraling out of control, lots of heated dissension, more anger and bitterness than we've ever seen, but still...the Lord is in control, even when we can't see or sense it.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Conceal and Reveal - SOLD

Conceal and Reveal
Acrylic on Hard Board, 14" x 14"
SOLD at $45 plus $10 shipping

It could be hung this way:

Some details below (close Ups)

Abstracts are way harder than you would think. By the time you play, refine, remove, add, cover, change, scratch, sand, stamp, remove more, add more, squiggle on top, drip, change, has taken on a life and a history of it's own. Fun stuff, but harder than you would imagine. For a first attempt, I'm pretty happy.