Artist Statement

Friday, May 11, 2018

Rhodie! - SOLD

Oil on Hardboard, 6" x 6"
SOLD at $20 plus $10 shipping.

A sweet little rhododendron flower, up close.
Or part of one anyway.
Still pretty Impressionistic.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Rhododendron - SOLD

Oil on Hardboard, 14" x 11"
SOLD at $35 plus $12 shipping

We have a rhododendron (I had to look that up, I always thought it ended in an "M") bush in the back yard, evidence that at one time, probably when this building was a single family home, that someone loved and cared for the yard. It's lovely, so I clipped a few blooms to paint this morning. The painting turned out simple and dramatic.