Artist Statement

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Green Bowl with Peppers - SOLD

Green Bowl with Peppers
Oil on Gessoed MDF Board, 8" x 8"
SOLD at $25 plus $10 shipping.

One more go around with the peppers, this time in a bowl.
Bowls are terrifically hard to paint, but I think I got close with this one.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Plate of Pretty Peppers - SOLD

Plate of Pretty Peppers
Oil on Gessoed MDF Board, 6" x 6"
SOLD at $20 plus $10 shipping.

Produce blessings from D. (Thanks, D!) These and the asparagus, some clementines which went into watercolor, and some avocados, which got eaten. Good to have thoughtful friends who bring treats to paint.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Three Plums - SOLD

Three Plums
Oil on Gessoed MDF Board, 5" x 7"
SOLD at $20 plus $10 shipping.

I've been immersed in my watercolors for a few days, so it feels rusty but good to get back to some oils.  I'm trying out some different colors for backgrounds on these still life pieces, to see what works.