Artist Statement

Friday, July 14, 2017

Cumulonimbus -SOLD

Oil on Canvas Panel, 12" x 12"
SOLD at $20 plus $10 shipping.

I think I did this one just for the name. Are you a word buff?
Don't you love interesting words? Like cumulonimbus?

Here's a interesting time lapse video of this type of clouds, pretty cool, I thought.
Clouds Forming.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Plum Pyramid Two - SOLD

Plum Pyramid Two
Oil on Gessobord, 6" x 6" x 3/8"
SOLD at $30 plus $10 shipping.

This one is priced a bit higher than my regular 6" x 6", since it's painted around both sides, top and bottom. There is a hole in the back of the board for hanging, so this one needs no frame or wire. Open the box and hang it up.... well, you have to hammer a nail first.

We had another life drawing session on Tuesday evening, and I had a spot right in front of Omar, so a lot of his poses were facing me and my seat mates on either side. I thought both of these were good enough to post, with a little sticky note loin cloth attachment. He's got really long arms and legs.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Plums on Blue - SOLD

Plums on Blue
Oil on Canvas Panel, 6" x 8"
SOLD at $25 plus 410 shipping.

I thought I'd try the plums again.
They really are fun to paint.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Shady Lane - NA

Shady Lane
Oil on Stretched Canvas, 11" x 14"
Not available, Revised on 2/3/2018

This one is from May, and one of my most discerning collectors mentioned to me that the very straight road, that it had originally, was distracting, so some revisions this morning.
I've also lowered the price.Just can't see wasting a good stretched canvas.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Plum Pyramid - SOLD

Plum Pyramid
Oil on Gessobord, 6" x 6"
SOLD at $25 plus $10 shipping.

Plums now in the Natural Foods Store, organic, no doubt.
Aren't they pretty, with all the shine spots?

Sunday, July 09, 2017

Overlook Two - NA

Overlook Two
Oil on Stretched Canvas, 14" x 18"
Not available, revised on 7/19/2017

Sometimes a painting just sort of "paints itself", which means that it just all goes smoothly and easy, everything falling into place in one try. Well, that didn't happen here. Two days in the works. A whole bunch of mistakes and corrections, a lot of changing my mind, and fumbling along. BUT in the end, I'm quite pleased with this one. Please click on the image to see it larger. There's quite a bit of detail on this larger canvas.

Here are a couple of process photos, just for interest.

The Notan start, and an adding midtones shot. After that.....I got into the messes.