Artist Statement

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Iris in Mauve - SOLD

Iris in Mauve
Watercolor on Hot Press Legion Paper, 9" x 12"
SOLD at $20 plus $10 shipping.

This one is on Hot Press paper, a surface I don't normally choose, since it's very smooth. But it seemed to work okay, as long as I took it slowly. The blending isn't quite as easy, and seems to work best if I wet the entire surface to be painted beforehand.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Bright Pink Iris - SOLD

Bright Pink Iris
Watercolor on Legion CP Paper, 9" x 12"
SOLD at $25 plus $10 shipping.

If you're not too proud to beg, and I'm not, you can sometimes get good art freebies from different companies. I asked and got some nice samples from the Legion Paper Company, including this cold press, and a pad of hot press, which I haven't tried yet. I'll do a couple more pieces before I review the paper, but it's certainly worth the trade. Free samples for fair reviews.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

A Summer Day in June - SOLD

A Summer Day in June
Oil on Stretched Canvas, 8" x 10"
SOLD at $30 plus $10 shipping.

Another Notan study, then adding form thru midtones and color.
I took a couple of photos at the beginning, then forgot to keep shooting.
Here's the Notan:

And an additional process shot:
And after that, I just kept going to the end.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Forest Sketch with Notan - SOLD

Forest Sketch with Notan
Oil on Canvas Panel, 9" x 12"
SOLD at $25 plus $10 shipping.

I've been listening to some videos about Notan by Dianne Mize, who has tons of great information, much of it free, online. Here's a link if you're interested. Compose is simply her blog. Anyway, much there to read and explore. So I tried thinking in terms of dark and light for this one. I really like the Notan sketch. Then I built the midtones and then the highlights on top. A fun way to work.

Haven't posted in a couple of days since I've been working on a couple of commissions.
It was time to play!

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Black and White Strawberries - SOLD

Black and White Strawberries
 Oil on Canvas Panel, 6" x 8"
SOLD at $20 plus $10 shipping.

 I've been working on a fairly complex commission piece, and had some strawberries left over.
 So today I grabbed a small canvas panel, and found the best of the berries, and did this little guy.
What do you think? Too stark?