Artist Statement

Thursday, February 05, 2015

Winter Move

You haven't been seeing any paintings from me, since there is a move going on. My apartment is now full of boxes, and I'm filling more as I go. I'll be living in a cozy little trailer park, doing housekeeping for the owner, in exchange for rent. It's taking awhile, since I have to first clean the new place, before moving in.

Which brings me to this: If any of you would like to contribute a couple of dollars to the "Help-Nel-get-settled-so-she-can-paint Fund" it would be a great boon to me. While I'm not painting, I'm not earning either, and things are getting crunchy, so I'm being bold and asking for help. Some of my friends, including my dear landlady here, are helping me with cleaning. So it will get done, eventually. And then, YAY, I get to paint again! Can't wait. Thanks, everyone.