Artist Statement

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Waterfall a la Johannes - SOLD

Waterfall a la Johannes
Oil on Stretched Canvas, 16" x 20"
SOLD at $25.00

That would be Johannes Vloothuis, of course, and yes, I'm signed up for another series of paint along Saturday afternoons.Today was the first, and it was a tricky painting. I really don't have good luck with rocks, and I've gotten very frustrated with waterfalls in the past. AND we only had four colors (plus white): cad red, lamp black, viridian, white, and yellow ochre pale. That's it! It's not nearly as interesting as his painting, but it is always good to take a class, and watch and listen to a master.

Oh, and lest you worry, he long ago gave us permission to sell our paint-along paintings. Who knows, you may see more than one on DPW tomorrow.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Red D'Anjou Pears - SOLD

Red D'Anjou Pears
Oil on Stretched Canvas, 8" x 8"
This one is dry from the other day, and thanks to feedback from my collectors, I have revised it to remove the white pitcher, and replaced the pitcher with plaid. Much better, warmer, more cohesive. Thanks, guys!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Light and Shade (along Muncaster Mill Road) - SOLD

Light and Shade (along Muncaster Mill Road)
Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas, 16" x 20" x 1.5"
SOLD at $45

This is a biggie, and gallery wrapped, so no frame is needed. The landscape extends around the edges; top, bottom and sides. By the time the auction ends, the top and sides will be painted, and the bottom will need to wait for the rest to dry. I'm pretty happy with the way this one came out.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Pear Posers - SOLD

Pear Posers
Oil on Stretched Canvas, 8" x 8"

Two of the Red D'Anjou pears, posing for you on a faded ochre dishtowel.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Shady Summer Road

Shady Summer Road
Oil on Stretched Canvas, 12" x 16"
Available Through DPW, at $50 plus $8 shipping.
Click here to purchase directly.

My girl friend and I ventured out early this morning, and saw the beginnings of tiny flurries. By the time we got home, there were a few inches, and messy driving. Now, of course, we have a nice pile of snow outside, and low temps are predicted overnight. Which all made me want a warm, summery painting. It's 80 degrees and sunny in this painting.

Pears, Pitcher, and Plaid - NA

Pears, Pitcher, and Plaid
Oil on Stretched Canvas, 8" x 8"
Not Available, revised on 1/24/2014

I loved the color of the red D'Anjou pears in the grocery store, and liked the color of the plaid dishtowel with them, but I'm not so sure that I should have put the pitcher in. I may try this one again, without the pitcher. What do you think?

Monday, January 20, 2014

Moss Pond in Snow - SOLD

Moss Pond in Snow
Oil on Stretched Canvas, 12" x 16"
From another reference photo I shot in Barre, Massachusetts. Moss Pond was just down the road from my daughter's home, a good spot to walk to.

Cherries on Black Canvas - SOLD

Cherries on Black Canvas
Oil on Stretched Canvas, 6" x 6"

This  is an experiment. I wanted to see what would happen, when painting dark on the black gessoed canvas. Yes, the cherries show up, but I think hanging on the wall, it would be quite subtle. This one will need no frame, since the gessoed canvas wraps around.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Rock Creek - SOLD

Rock Creek
Oil on Stretched Canvas, 12" x 16"
Switching back to landscape, after a brief break from painting.
(A lot of out and about instead.)