Artist Statement

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pears Redux - SOLD

Pears Redux Oil on Stretched Canvas, 8" x 8" SOLD at $35.00 plus shipping. I was not completely happy with the pears from last weekend, so used my new light and got more contrast, which always helps. Ah, much better.

Promise Pansies - SOLD

Promise Pansies
Oil on Stretched Canvas, 8" x 8"
SOLD at $35.00 plus shipping.
I was in the Home Depot today, looking at lights to make more value contrast in my still life work, and of course, they snagged me with a cart of lovely pansies. They promise spring! I didn't really capture the color and depth of the petals, but that's what more painting is for. Still, a sweet little painting. Don't you just love pansies?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Long Still Life - SOLD

Long Still Life Oil on Canvas Panel, 15" x 30" Revised and SOLD at 60.00 plus shipping. There are some things I really like about this one, some things I wish I had done differently, but I had to set it up in two stages, so the composition lacks some finesse. I like the color harmony a lot, I like the objects themselves, I like the shine through the glass on that back pear (that worked), and I like the new funky mug. A bit of an experiment working this large.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pears Times Three - NA

Pears Times Three Oil on Stretched Canvas, 8" x 8" Not Available, see revised version of February 27. This started out life as a painting of my little granddaughter's tiny little gold shoesies. But oh, man, I could not get them to look gold at all, at all. So it got wiped and turned into pears. There are a couple of things I like about this one: the double coating of the foreground and background, and the turquouse in the shading. But I am thnking about composition, and how I need to work harder on coming up with more interesting arrangements and combinations. More pizazz, more originality, more interesting. So...then I played around with some cool stuff I've been picking up for still life...please see next post.

Pears Everywhere WIP

WIP, Pears Everywhere Oil on Canvas Panel, 15" x 30" I started on this one, with a more interesting composition. Some neat new things I've picked up to use for still life work. I like the little pigs. Now to decide whether or not to make an edge at the back, and change the color of the wall or just what.