Artist Statement

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Iris on Blue - SOLD

Iris on Blue Oil on Stretched Canvas, 12" x 12" SOLD. I've had this one hanging in our hallway for awhile, and it never did sell. I decided today to change the background and lower the price. It's like the shoemaker with his barefoot children, you can't have your own paintings hanging in your house, except by default, of course. I am liking my new temp job, and find myself grinning on the Metro, for no reason whatsoever. Other tired, yawning commuters must think I'm a little "off."

Monday, January 04, 2010

Rainy Magnolia - SOLD

Rainy Magnolia Oil on Stretched Canvas, 9" x 12" SOLD at $45.00 plus shipping. Even when I do the same thing, I try to make it different somehow. This one with the vertical format, and the dove grey background qualify as that slight difference. This will be my last steady post until the weekend, as it's 6:00 pm here now, and tomorrow night at this time, I'll just be leaving work. (Yay, new job, even if it's temporary.) I don't plan on much painting time until the weekend. But lots of time to let ideas "stew."

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Woodland Light 3 - SOLD

Woodland Light 3 Oil on Stretched Canvas, 12" x 16" SOLD at $50.00 plus shipping. Every once in awhile, I like doing a painting like this, with all the splashes of leaf color, warm and bright, cool and deep. And with a painting like this, I get to use my Caput Mortem and Sienna too, with specks of orange.