Artist Statement

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pond and Trees 2 - SOLD

Pond and Trees 2 Oil on Canvas Panel, 12" x 12" SOLD at $45.00 plus shipping. Another rendition of the Trees and Pond, done by request. Isn't it interesting how every painting, even a repeat of the same image, has it's own distinct flavor? This one has a slightly different "feel" to it, even though it's a repeat.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Iris Study - SOLD

Iris Study after Mark Christopher Weber Oil on Gessoed Masonite, 6" x 8" SOLD at $10.00 plus shipping I am a firm believer in copying, as long as you give credit to the master artists whom you've studied. This is a little study taken from the book, Brushwork Essentials, by Mark Christopher Weber. What I really loved about it was the incredible way he captured the subtleties inside the darks. I didn't get it, but it's a nice little study anyway.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Lavender Line Up - SOLD

Lavender Line Up Watercolor on 140 lb Arches paper, 13.5" x 21" SOLD at $65.00 plus shipping It's very dry here today, and for that reason, I think, my paint wasn't blending and merging like I'm used to. So, this one was drawn tight and painted very loosely. I wanted to try the paper turned horizontally, when usually I use it lengthwise. So it's a bit different for me, but isn't the color yummy? Thanks for looking.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Blue Shovel - SOLD

The Blue Shovel Oil on Canvas Panel, 10" x 12" SOLD at $45.00 plus shipping. I don't know who these two little boys were, but this is painted from a photo I snapped at Ocean City, Maryland a few years ago. I always liked the image, and have been meaning to do a painting from this photo for a long while. Some of my commenters have been saying that I need to practice figures, so that I can do them more often. It's like anything else, I suppose. If you don't DO it, you don't get better at it.

Monday, January 19, 2009

New Every Morning - SOLD

New Every Morning Oil on Stretched Canvas, 24" x 24" SOLD at sale price. I first painted and posted this one in October of 2008. There was always something just a bit "off" about it, and it didn't sell. I've repainted the foreground to make it darker, added some little buildings, made the line of mountains lighter, and enlarged the trees. Pulled some of the purples from the sky into the rest of the painting. And dropped the price, considering it's a two foot by two foot piece that needs to have a home. Now I like it.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Iris Face Two - SOLD

Iris Face Two Oil on Canvas Panel, 12" x 12" Sold at sale price of $30.00. Same palette colors as yesterday's painting, and same set of irises from Jo's yard as the watercolor (see several days ago.) The difference here is that I made myself use a large brush (1", mongoose), to see what the results would be. It was frustrating for me, since I always tend towards pickiness. And the details were sacrificed. The good part is a more fresh look, better brushwork, and a looser feel. I think. But then again...