Artist Statement

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Velvet Peppers - SOLD

Velvet Peppers Oil on Gessoed Board, 8" x 10" SOLD at $45.00 plus shipping. Surfaces have a lot to do with painting, well, I guess everything does, brushes especially. But this surface was so smooth and absorbent that the peppers felt velvety going down. Thanks for looking.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Pepper Shadows - NA

Pepper Shadows Oil on Stretched Canvas, 14" x 14" Not available. These are called Annaheim peppers at the Kroger, and since they were only 50 cents a pound, I grabbed some pretty ones. I liked the shadows on the two colored papers. Thanks for looking.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Citrus Bowl - SOLD

Citrus Bowl Oil on Canvas Panel, 8" x 8" SOLD at $40.00 plus shipping. We are returned from our evacuation and our three day trip to Oklahoma City. My daughter's home and property had no damage whatever, an answer to prayer. And I am glad to be back and painting. So many people wrote emails of care and even offered to have the whole family, even with the large dog, sheltered with them that I was overwhelmed by the kindness. Thanks to all of you who expressed concern and especially, those of you (collectors I've never met) who offered their homes even without knowing us. God bless you. Thanks for caring, thanks for looking.