Artist Statement

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Woodland Roadway Claimed

Woodland Roadway 12.5" x 15" Watercolor on 300 lb Arches paper Claimed Isn't this a sweet little watercolor? I wish the image were mine, but I must tell you that I copied it from a pastel in a book by Elizabeth Mowry called The Pastelist's Year. Here web site is here: and she does gorgeous pastels. The composition and the colors are her's, and I just trned it into a watercolor. But I did want to paint and practice today, so here's what came out. Thanks for looking.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Lashaway Lake / Palette Knife

Lashaway Lake / Palette Knife painting 16" x 20" Oil on Canvas board Available at $55.00 plus shipping

detail of knife work on trees

I was challenged by one of the subsrcibers to try more palette knife painting, so this is one I worked on last night and this morning. A knife in the hands of a master is an awesome tool, but I don't have the command of it, and find that there are aspects of it I like and some I really don't. You really have to work with it awhile to have control, I think. The water was hard, but I enjoyed "mushing" the trees and slopping the paint around for the shore. The little boats were awkward at best.

I went to a new blog this morning, and if you want a real insight into the working thoughts of a fine painter, who is funny and forthcoming about the struggles of getting a painting to turn out well, check out Robin Weiss and his work here:

His work is wonderful, and the reading is really fun.

This is the last oil painting I'll be posting for awhile, as I am accompanying the family on their vacation to help out with kids. I plan to sketch and do little watercolors on the trip, but of course, no oils or posting after Monday. Thanks as always for looking, and for your encouraging comments.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Garden Watercolor - SOLD

Garden Watercolor 13" x 20", 300 lb Arches rough paper Sold at $35.00 plus shipping. A somewhat subdued watercolor after all the bright colors of oil paints. Another hazy summer day in Massachusetts, painting this morning with Sarah in her garden. Thanks for looking.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Lake Lashaway - SOLD

Lake Lashaway 8" x 10", Oil on Canvasboard Sold at $25.00 plus shipping It was one of those hazy, humid days here today, and I tried in this one to mix the colors of the hazy distance, and find the color and value of the greyish, silverish, blueish water. Thanks for looking.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Morning Garden - SOLD

Morning Garden 10" x 10", Oil on Canvas board Sold at $40.00 plus shipping. While the watercolor class was working inside at Sarah's home this morning, I went out in her garden, where the Siberian irises were still in bloom. It was a scorcher today, so I didn't last too long, but with the small canvas, I was able to do a corner of her morning color. It was the hazy blue in the background with the redness of the tree that I found appealing. Thanks for looking.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Red Maple Walkway - SOLD

Red Maple Walkway
16" x 20", Oil on Canvasboard
Sold at $65.00 plus shipping.

I'm pleased with this one, the quality of sunlight works here, don't you think? Lots of color, lots of different greens and shadow colors. Done from a photo I had taken in Gaithersburg, Maryland last year. Thanks for looking.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Field Shadows - SOLD

Field Shadows 8" x 10", oil on Canvasboard Sold at $45.00 plus shipping. Along Wauwinet Road, I still have not exhausted the beautiful spots to paint. This little gem (didn't it turn out nicely?) was just a glimpse along the road that I pulled over and painted this afternoon. Another glorious day. I did take some photos, but really, for the first time, I see the wonderful differences between being there and working from a photo. The subtle tones in the shadows are simply not there in a photo. Lovely rich browns, deep greens, blues, purples, turquoise. Thanks for looking.