Artist Statement

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Swiss Chard Watercolor

Swiss Chard Watercolor 14" x 19" image size. Strathmore Gemini 300 lb Cold Press paper. Because there was some interest in the swiss chard sketch on my sketch blog, here is swiss chard as a watercolor. Thanks for looking. (And now I have a recipe from my Tante Nelly, so it won't be wasted. Yum.)

Apples on Blue - SOLD

Apples on Blue
Oil on Linen Board
8" x 10"
Does anybody know why I can sometimes do a hard return on the blog writing, and sometimes I can't? Today I can't, so everything is running together. Anyway, here are the last apples for a little while, these guys and the Delicious are now going into a pie. Maybe tomorrow you'll see a slice of pie. These were beautiful in the store, all that multi color, part red and part green. A challenge to paint though. Actually, I'm happy with how this one worked out. Thanks, Jana, hope you enjoy it. Thanks for looking.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Delicious Times Three - SOLD

Oil on Linen Board
8" x 10"
This is a repeat, with some changes, very similar to the little apples painting done on 6" x 8" canvasboard. The detail is provided because of the daylight glare on the larger photo. For Deanna, and thanks for looking.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Lean on Me - SOLD

Oil on Linen Board 8" x 10" Available These are the same pears as yesterday, but with a light rigged overhead, clipped to the easle. I really like the way this one turned out. I call it "Lean on Me" because none of the pears could quite stand alone, but when they were leaning on each other, it proved quite possible. Much like us. Thanks for looking.

Problem Child - SOLD

Oil on Linen Board 8" x 10" Available. Beautiful d'Anjou pears, but this painting decided to be a "problem child." First it took a nose dive off the easel, landing of course, in the palette full of paint. Backside now has blobs of paint all over it, waiting to dry and be scraped. Then while drying, it decided to slide off the desk and land face down. Repaired this morning, but now drying securely on my painting table. I'm going for a more painterly, splashy look and feel right now. This one does begin to go there. Thanks for looking.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Red Onions - SOLD

January 7, 2007
Oil on Canvasboard
8" x 10"
These onions have such beautiful color, transparent maroons, and deep golden reds, I think I may do several with them. To study them is just so appealing. I sat down and looked through all the various red oil colors I have, then landed in a catalog, drooling over some of the deep, deep reds... yup, may have to put in an order or go to my favorite haunt...the art store. Thanks for stopping in.